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The cult of Glycon has only marginally occupied the attention of Europeans seeking to understand the worldview and Paganism of their ancestors. The first reason for this is that Glycon is attested only in a handful of sources and, secondly, that the information about Glycon is distorted and the cult itself being the target of…


As acknowledged, the pre-Roman Italian peninsula was home to a multitude of Native European tribes. Some of them were Hellenes, others, like the Ambrones, were Germans. There were also Celts, Etruscans and a multitude of tribes classified as Italic. The Italic tribes, unlike the Romans, whose legacy of oppression and subjugation has largely obliterated the…

The Prussian Crusade, introduction

This post will be the first in a series talkota about the Prussian Crusade, hoping to shed some light on this little-known episode of christian aggression against Europe. Before talking about the Crusade itself, let us review the Old Prussians themselves. The Old Prussians were a Baltic confederation of tribes, living in the area encompassing…

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